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藝術家 Artists|亞歷山大.阿普爾比 Alexander Appleby,斯特凡諾.加利 Stefano Galli,黃舜廷 Shunting Huang,梁祐寧 Yuning Liang,吳秋虹 Qiuhong Wu

開幕 Opening |15.JUN.2024 Sat. 14:30

展期 Duration|15.JUN.2024 – 28.JUL.2024

展覽地點 Venue|408005台中市南屯區文心南五路一段395號(養心藝術)

No. 395, Sec. 1, Wenxin S. 5th Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408005, Taiwan (ARTNUTRI GALLERY)

養心藝術即將在夏至時節推出全新展覽「數野仙蹤 Digital Wonderland」,此次很榮幸邀請到五位海內外藝術家,亞歷山大.阿普爾比 Alexander Appleby,斯特凡諾.加利 Stefano Galli,黃舜廷 Shunting Huang,梁祐寧 Yuning Liang,吳秋虹 Qiuhong Wu。五位藝術家以自然或植物為出發點,並透過各種數位科技與自然體悟創作出一系列的作品,讓觀者進入這數位魔幻的自然仙境。

Artnutr Gallery is pleased to announce “Digital Wonderland” a group exhibition in the upcoming summer time. We gathers five young talent artists from different countries. Stefano Galli, Alexander Appleby, Shunting Huang, Yunjng Laing, and Qiuhong Wu. These artists created these works through various digital technologies, painting skills and natural understanding. Hope can let people enter this digital wonderland.


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