2016 台北國際藝術博覽會 MIT 新人推薦特區 展位 X7 黃舜廷 2016 Art Taipei MIT X7 Huang Shun-Ting
2016 台北國際藝術博覽會 MIT 新人推薦特區 展位 X7 黃舜廷
2016 Art Taipei MIT X7 Huang Shun-Ting
開幕酒會|2016/11/11 18:30-21:00pm 展覽地點|世貿一館 營業時間|頂級貴賓預展2016年11月11日(五) 12:00-15:00貴賓預展2016年11月11日(五) 15:00-21:00公眾展期2016年11月12日(六)-14日(一) 11:00-19:002016年11月15日(二) 11:00-18:00開放時間
有錢圖系列 -當代招財逸品
「錢」這個東西永遠不嫌多,大家都在尋找那條通往成功的「有錢途」。 日復一日年復一年,每天辛苦工作,無非就是爲了能讓生活變的更好,最好也能讓口袋飽飽,「變得富有」也許就是許多人一輩子所追求的目標。每個人都想知道:怎麼樣才是最有效的賺錢之道?為了解決這樣的疑惑,五花八門的「開運偏方」或「招財物品」也就因此應運而生。 「開運偏方」及「招財物品」其功能是為了服務、滿足那些對於金錢渴望的人們的內心需求,並使他們產生希望與期待; 而其存在的目的則是要消除某種對於未知的焦慮與不安。因為需要,所以重要,《有錢圖》由此而生,並以招財為目的進行生產與製造。 「橘」諧音「吉」,代表好運、吉利;「五橘」諧音「五吉」,是「有錢」的意思。《有錢圖》系列,結合不同動物與諧音相似台語「有錢」的五顆橘子,再搭配不同的風景,拼貼並繪製出象徵「富裕」意涵的圖,使其營造出具有「招財」功能的想像。而不同於市面上的風水畫,《有錢圖》系列不保證都含有五行顏色,也沒有手工筆觸式處理,更沒有金雕原木框,有的只是創作者一切的細心與用心經營,透過生命的揮灑,表達其所想訴諸的信仰,因此才稱之為「當代招財逸品」。 人因信仰,使某些「物」產生附加價值。藝術創作者為了輸出其所想訴諸的信仰,而創造了某些「物」; 在此提供一種想像,當藝術成為信仰,「藝術品」與「招財物品」所扮演的角色與功能,能否畫上等號而同時存在?此時,挾藝術之名,是否就成了最那條容易產生「附加價值」的路徑?藝術家的「身分」也成了其最拍胸脯的保證書。《有錢圖》再此欲¬召喚「招財」的效果而現身,反觀其目的,到底是為誰而服務?是汲汲營營的大眾?抑或是面對生活與理想,必須不斷付出的創作者自身?
The Way to Wealth - The Contemporary Money-Bringing Art
”Money” is never enough, and everyone is looking for the “way” to be wealthy.
To make our lives better, we work hard day after day. Life will be even better if we can also be well off. “Being rich” is probably many people’s lifetime goal. They want to know the most effective way to become wealthy. Some even go to any lengths. That’s why a variety of “lucky methods” and “money-bringing goods” have been produced.
“Lucky Methods” and “Money-Bringing Goods” are invented to service and satisfy people’s desire for money; furthermore, they generate people’s hope and expectations of getting wealthier. “Lucky methods” and “money-bringing goods” serve the purpose of diminishing people’s anxiety and insecurity towards the unknown. People need them, and that’s why they’re so important. “The Way to Wealth” is also manufactured and produced for the same reason.
The Chinese pronunciation of “orange” is “ji,” which sounds the same of “lucky” in Chinese. “Five oranges” has the same pronunciation of “being wealthy” in Chinese as well. “The Way to Wealth” series mix-match animals, five oranges, and different backgrounds, creating pictures that symbolize wealth. These series also function as “Money-Bringing Goods.” Different from the paintings we see in markets, some works of the “The Way to Wealth” series may not include the colors of the five elements. There’s no hand-made style brushwork or even golden frames made by wood. “The Way to Wealth” contains merely the faith and consideration of the artist. Through the deliberation and life-devoting hard work, “The Way to Wealth” expresses the faith of the artist, and it’s regarded as The Contemporary Money-Bringing Art.
People add value to objects due to their beliefs. As for artists, they create their artworks in order to express their beliefs. So when art becomes a kind of belief, will both the identities of “art” and “money-bringing goods” simultaneously exist and equal to each other? With the name of “art,” will these goods become valuable more easily? The artist becomes the promising name of making the goods best-selling. “The Way to Wealth” thereby summons wealth. So here’s the question, who is “The Way to Wealth” servicing? Will it be the people from all walks of lives, or the artist himself who works hard in order to face his dreams and reality?